A woman in her early 70s, recently widowed: She wanted to simplify her life and gain peace of mind regarding her finances.
This woman had a number of different accounts held at various financial companies. She wanted to simplify her life and gain peace of mind regarding her finances. She also wanted to travel more and to purchase a new home.
What we did together:
Evaluated the likelihood that her investments and savings would last throughout her life, and how much she could reasonably be able to spend on things like travel and home improvements.
Provided a detailed set of low-cost investment recommendations. Our recommendations significantly reduced her investment expenses, a savings of over $12,000 per year in her situation.
Helped her to consolidate some of her accounts and move them to a single financial institution, vastly simplifying her overall financial affairs. As part of this, we helped her make phone calls to set up new accounts and move the money.
Best of all, she has gained a lot of peace of mind, knowledge, and self-confidence about her finances.